Support With Examination & Treatment In Japan

If required, we will support Customers to connect to a suitable hospital in our network of nearly 40 General and Specialized hospitals across Japan. Examination and paraclinical results obtained at T-Matsuoka Medical Center are recognized by partner hospitals, so Customers don’t need to have their health checked again for treatment in Japan. These input results are adequate for Japanese doctors to design appropriate treatment regimens in a timely manner.

In Japan, translation and interpretation assistants are always available to help Customers overcome language barriers to communication, facilitating their medical examination and treatment process.

Once returning to Vietnam, Customers can regularly monitor their health at T-Matsuoka Medical Center and talk to doctors from Japan via the telehealth system.

The in-depth expertise, and high-quality services and technologies at T-Matsuoka Medical Center help optimize Customers’ medical examination and treatment provided in Japan in terms of time and cost.

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