Japan’s medical centre to open in Hanoi - T-Matsuoka


Japan’s medical centre to open in Hanoi


Article of VOVWORLD – Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh on Wednesday hosted a reception for Medical Representative of Japan’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Matsuoka Yoshinori, who is in Vietnam to prepare for the opening of T-Matsuoka Medical Centre in Hanoi.

Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh (second from the right) meets Medical Representative of Japan’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Matsuoka Yoshinori on August 31.

Mr. Minh thanked Japan for providing Vietnam with vaccines and medical supplies to fight COVID-19, enabling the country to recover and reopen borders post-pandemic.

Welcoming EMS Corporation to invest in Vietnam and develop the country’s first T-Matsuoka Medical Centre in Hanoi equipped with modern facilities, the Deputy PM said it contributes to strengthening medical cooperation between the two countries and improving healthcare service quality in Vietnam.

Founded in 2013, EMS Corporation provides 24/7 emergency services with six clinics across Japan.

Construction of T-Matsuoka Medical Centre in Hanoi costs around 8 million USD, half of which is invested by EMS. The centre will offer a wide range of healthcare services, such as health consultation with Japanese doctors, second opinion, periodic health check-ups, personal and business specialised examination.

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