
Increased risk of asthma and allergies in children using antibiotics early


ource: Health and Life
Early exposure to antibiotics kills healthy bacteria in the digestive tract and can cause asthma and allergies in children…
Antibiotics commonly used to treat infections. However, if antibiotics are not used for the right purposes, are used indiscriminately, not according to the instructions and instructions of the doctor, they may not treat the disease but also cause poisoning and allergies for the patient.

Especially overuse of antibiotics can make bacteria resistant to drugs and become antibiotic resistance makes it difficult to treat the disease.

Limit the use of antibiotics for young children to a minimum to avoid the risk of long-term health problems

Recently, a study by New York University (USA) and the University of Zurich (Switzerland), showed that antibiotics, one of the most used drugs in children children, can affect the intestinal microbiota and metabolic function, affecting immunity in children.

Scientists divided into 2 groups of 5-day-old mice: One group took azithromycin/amoxicillin and one group drank water for a while. Then expose the mice to a common allergen derived from house dust mites. The results showed that the mice that received either antibiotic, especially azithromycin, had a higher rate of allergic reactions than the mice that drank only water.

This study has provided evidence that there may be a link between antibiotic exposure in childhood and later development of asthma and allergies in children .

Early exposure to antibiotics (but no subsequent exposure) causes allergies and asthma by killing some of the healthy gut bacteria that support systemic growth proper immunity.

In the near future, further studies will be conducted to soon come to the most accurate conclusions for early antibiotic use in children and the relationship with allergies and asthma asthma.

Until this point, experts still recommend limiting the use of antibiotics for young children to a minimum to avoid the risk of long-term health problems.

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